Elliot Yi
2 min readJan 10, 2023

Attention, Focus, & Time

Physicists know that time as most of us describe it is an illusion. We all experience it subjectively. We all use it as a form of measurement of sorts in relation to where we physically (and at times emotionally) are. This is what makes space-time an objectively real thing but our concept of time as we experience it is an illusion.

Life is all about economics, but not in the way you may think. Money and capital are not in the equation. The whole of life comes down to the conservation of energy. To be able to get the most we can from the least amount of energy expenditure. This is the default setting because energy has a cost to utilizing it.

Every decision and choice you make in your life has a cost to it. Economists refer to this as an opporunity cost. It simply means choosing something means you miss out on other things. This is a fact that cannot be avoided. As a result of this, many times we spread ourselves too thin because we are distracted, or simply because of FOMO. (Fear of missing out)

When we operate in this manner, we lack focus and attention. When we lack focus and attention this produces chaos resulting in accelerated entropy. We waste time. Time is spent the instant we receive it. It is a finite resource. We cannot chose whether to use it for it cannot be saved. We can only choose how to use it. This requires a strong attentional focus.

The dilemma in life for us all is the conservation of energy. As I wrote previously the default setting is to try to get the most we can with the least expenditure. But this doesn't produce enhanced results or fulfilment and engagement. To develop mastery and excellence in anything requires the opposite. It requires taking your time and specifically applying it to something for an extended period of time to produce a gradual result instead of an immediate one.

You cannot manage time. This is an illusion. You can only manage yourself in relation to it. To consciously do this requires your attentional focus. A 100 watt light bulb will light up a room but when this same energy is focused into a laser it can cut steel. Only you can develop dominion over your attentional focus to manage yourself in relation to time. The choice to hold your focus is your own and no one elses.

Elliot Yi

Elliot is a personal development author. His latest book, "The Road to Personal Mastery" out now.