Creating Belief In Yourself When You Don’t Have Any
Beliefs are those weird things in our existence that are incredibly powerful yet we can not see. We seldom clearly define what they are yet they run our lives. They are multifaceted and have numerous applications and if you didn’t yet know they are wholly under our control to manage and create, or eliminate.
Our beliefs and expectations are very tightly tied to one another. In the world of the unseen they are admittedly very powerful. Think about your beliefs, particularly your core beliefs, for a moment. How did you get them? Are they serving you? Could your life be better served with different beliefs? These are questions many of us go to the grave without ever examining. A big reason why is because we tend to not think of our beliefs as anything real in the sensory world yet everything we think, feel and do is governed by them. For close to twenty years I had wanted to write a book. I never came more than five pages close to that goal but over the last three years I’ve written and self published four books with a fifth manuscript in the works and I started this blog which is now three years old itself. The main reason why I was able to make this shift was a change in my beliefs. I went from someone who didn’t believe I was good enough, smart enough, talented enough, or ____________(fill in the blank) enough to write a book. Then I had a mindset shift. I went from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and I learned about our superpower of habits. Armed with this newfound knowledge I knew I could create a belief in myself where it was lacking by one simple method. By doing.
I could very well be the worst writer of the genre I write in, but that’s ok because the point is that I’m doing it and I’m putting it out in the universe and I know that I will get better the more I do it and if I am deliberately practicing my craft. The act of doing is so powerful it has the capability of transforming our lives. Too many of us wait for something outside of ourselves to have a belief but we must realize that we are all creators and everything we could ever want is already inside of us, we just have to access it. We tend to not believe what we see but science has shown us we see what we believe. When I sat down and made the goal of writing my first manuscript, I did not necessarily have the belief I could do it but I did believe it was possible. I created the goal, outlined the plan of action to achieve the goal, and then I went after it. It wasn’t until I was approximately fifty pages into my writing where the light bulb went off and I not only believed I could do it but I was daring someone to try and stop me.
Our beliefs are nothing more than our habits of thought. Electrical impulses that when repeated often enough automatically fire up when the specific stimulus is present. They are no different than the cultures we are born into. Many times our beliefs are tied into our cultures. These are our oldest unseen products of conditioning so we actually trick ourselves into believing (no pun) that we were born with these in us. We subconsciously believe it’s a part of our DNA. It’s not. No Italian can picture themselves ever being anything but Italian. Same for someone who is Korean, Brazilian, etc. But the reality is that this is all simply conditioning. We seldom reach for something in our lives we weren’t conditioned to believe we can grab, but the beauty of the human mind is that it is only limited by the thinking we choose to employ. If we didn’t have the visionaries who stepped outside the box we would still be striking rocks to create fire. We all have the capability to expand our beliefs and create new ones both in ourselves and in others. Think about what you are doing to perpetuate your current self limiting beliefs (we all have them) and what beliefs you would like to create that would really make a difference in your life and the lives of those you love. Then just get to doing.