Minimizing The Decisions You Make Helps You To Make Better Ones
The multi tasking world so many of us seem to live in would appear to be a necessary way to navigate the lives we live. The thing is multi tasking has been proven to be a myth. It is a distracted state that actually reduces productivity and increases stress.
We make more mindless decisions than conscious ones. But there are times where are required to make conscious decisions and making too many of these types of decisions causes what is referred to as cognitive lock. In this state we seriously limit the amount of information we use to come to a decision.
One of the things that factors greatly into this dilemma is the fact that we are inundated with choices and options for just about everything. Whether it is in retail, our business, or our personal lives it is literally exhausting combing through all the options and a part of this exhaustion is from worrying about making the right decision. Research shows that even after making a decision many of us are not content with our choice because we can’t help but wonder. if the numerous other options would’ve been better. This is why Steve jobs always wore a black turtleneck, it’s why Barack Obama only ever wore a blue or gray suit, it’s why Mark Zuckerberg wears the same t-shirt, it’s why Jeff Bezos limits his daily decisions to three a day. They save their decision power for things important than to waste it on trivial matters.
Our ability to focus is a muscle that requires exertion to be strengthened and this can never happen if we are regularly being distracted. So how do we know the decisions we make are the best ones? Try to rely on the law of large numbers and combine them with your core values. Know who you are and what you want. This eliminates many options. Research the statistics (they are everywhere) about the things you are pondering and you will whittle down the reasonable options on whatever you are contemplating making a decision on. This will feel wholly unnatural. It’s not how we normally operate but in enough time it will be your new normal and you will be on your way to making better decisions.