The Main Ingredient For Success Part II
Sleep. How do we get more of it? Sleep is something we all need. What is preventing us from getting the rest we need?
Artificial light is the main culprit that inhibits our required deep sleep. A one foot candle produces 10 lux of light. A standard 100 watt light bulb produces approximately 100 lux which is enough to send a signal to our eyes and brain that the sun is still up resulting in disrupted melatonin production. Melatonin is produced when our circadian clocks realize the sun has set and readies us for sleep. With so much artificial light in our lives, televisions in the bedroom-cell phones, tablets and computers, the production of melatonin is disrupted causing us to sleep uneasily. The different stages of sleep determine how well rested we get. Our decision making pre frontal cortex requires deep sleep, REM sleep, to rejuvenate itself. One can conceivably sleep all night but never enter the realm of deep sleep causing us to awake still feeling unrested. This is where trouble for our system begin. If you don’t feel like you are getting the deep sleep you need maybe some of these tips will help. Start to develop a routine of winding down an hour or so before you intend to go to bed. Turn off all the lights, tv, basically all your electronic devices. Put your cell phone in the kitchen so your not tempted to turn over and check it through the night. I started to use candles and I can not believe the difference it has made in my quality of deep sleep. Get that television out of your bedroom if there is one in there.
For years I had not gotten the proper sleep my body needed. This was due to my own ignorance as to the importance of sleep and not consciously doing what I needed to ensure deep sleep. Watching the television until you knock out and then go to bed is not a healthy practice. If you are interested in improving your health and well being, start with getting that deep sleep you need to accommodate your exercise and nutritional programs.