The Meanings We Assign Our Words
The words we use prime our subconscious processes. They influence our behavior which influences our thinking and feelings. The meaning we assign the words we use at first seem to be empirical but at closer inspection one can see this is far from accurate. There are in fact many instances where perspective can determine the meanings we assign our words.
Abraham Lincoln famously spoke of the word liberty using the analogy of the shepherd saving the sheep from the wolf. The sheep thanked the shepherd from liberating it from the wolf where as the wolf was angry at having it’s liberty thwarted. Both animals seemingly correct in their definition of the word liberty when based on context.
Dr Bruce Lipton has stated that language hides the intentional vibrations all beings emit and receive. Our language goes one step further in complexity when each and every one of us can assign subjective interpretations to many of the words we choose to use.
In a general sense when words are grouped together they convey the meaning that is universally accepted. When experiments have been carried out priming subjects with groups of words associated with being older, young people tend move slower. Being subjected to one word related to the elderly would probably not have the same effect due to the ambiguity our words can possess.
It is of no surprise that the meanings we assign the words we use are linked to our concepts and experiences but it is interesting to me how creative we can all be with our interpretations. Circling back to my previous example of the collective power in relaying meaning when words are grouped together, the more words we have at our disposal the more accurate we can be in our attempts to communicate things more succinctly. The best way to amass new words is simply to read. In a day and age when reading is on the decline and false news spreads faster than California wildfires I believe it to be imperative for us to accumulate as many words as possible which can result in our being more effective in separating the signal from the noise.